Therapeutic Massage/Mini Ashi

Image for Therapeutic Massage/Mini Ashi


This massage is the standard therapeutic hands on techniques, while incorporating 15 minutes of targeted Ashiatsu on specific areas of the body. Great choice for a client who needs deep work on specific muscles, or a client that's new to Ashiatsu! Barefoot massage technique that the therapist will deliver deep, broad, consistent pressure. This will be from the massage therapist utilizing their feet and body weight during the massage. Ashiatsu benefits: Frees up bundled nerves,improves posture while decreasing pain and also detoxifies and elongates muscles. -Flushes lymphatic system -Increases circulation and blood flow throughout the body -Deep massage work with broader strokes Ashiatsu is unfortunately not suitable for everyone: -Trying to conceive or Pregnancy - Uncontrolled high blood pressure -Advanced diabetes -Recent surgical implants -Recent injuries or surgeries -Acute autoimmune disorders -Compromised immune system -Acute liver or kidney disorders
